LightBringers Origin Story

LightBringers started in the Fall of 2020 when Chuck Bloodgood (Austin, Texas), the Chief Architect of an I.T. company, contacted Al and Jeanne Fike. A man of faith all his life, Chuck had been following the Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation (DLSF) for a couple of years. Chuck, Al, and Jeanne started having weekly conversations.

After a few weeks, Al and Jeanne acted on guidance to invite Lorraine Borchers (Bend, Oregon), a retired administrator at a large university, and Bill Frase (Monroeville, Pennsylvania), another talented visionary and capable administrator. We continued weekly conversations on how to facilitate and support the groundswell of connections among Divine Love followers stepping up to share the reality, truth, and power of Divine Love in collaborative and creative ways.

Each week we received messages of encouragement and inspiration from the Celestial angels, affirming that God is calling souls together to share their gifts, creations, and ministries. The calling received by our small group reflects a growing desire in many others to bring more love and light into the world.

We believe that God has a plan. Many of us wish to be a part of His plan and want to find our place and purpose within it. We want to find creative ways to share our God-given gifts for the greater good in service to God’s Will. Those of us who call ourselves LightBringers want to provide a way in which everyone can feel welcomed and included in greater service to humanity. This means that we are feeling called to step up our communication and collaboration in new and creative ways as a loving family. All the puzzle pieces are coming together for more of us to find greater opportunities to join in joyful service to one another, humankind, and our beloved Creator. Our wish is to include everyone who desires to join us in the spirit of love, embracing all, utilizing our gifts, and thereby growing the Lattice of Light throughout the world.

This chaotic time of earth changes is ideal for a coalition of like-minded and soul-inspired individuals. By dedicating ourselves to inclusive approaches to communication and collaboration and celebrating our differences, we believe that our Creator’s Plan will be achieved our efforts will be magnified and deeply blessed.

By working together in a supportive community, we believe we have a greater chance for success. As LightBringers, our ideal is collaboration inspired by the Divine Love that connects all of our souls with one another and with God. LightBringers is a dynamic and inclusive community where everyone has opportunities to receive the love, respect, and appreciation that it is their birthright as children of God. We can create a safe space for those on the Divine Love Path to listen to one another and support mutual efforts to bring positive change to the world. We celebrate diversity and desire to include all who want to join us in love, peace, and harmony.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a powerful catalyst, bringing together many people through different social media platforms. We have a historic opportunity to attract and invite many more people to experience Divine Love and support one another as we do so. We see more and more people connecting, sharing, and expressing their unique gifts in service of God’s plan for all.

Join us! There is space for all who want to help others experience God’s Love. Connect with us to explore and realize many more inspired possibilities to bring the Light of God’s Love to the world!