About Us

We are LightBringers

Many people sense that the world is suffering because of a darkness that comes from a lack of love. We recognize the value of all types of love as gifts from the Creator, and we edpecially value that special love that is the essence and nature of God - Divine Love.

Our unique purpose as LightBringers is to radiate this Divine Love into this world through our lives. As we nurture this light of Divine Love within us and increase our capacity to love, we bring greater light and love to humanity and the world.

We join with all light workers who bring light, love, truth, beauty, and goodness in their own unique ways.

LightBringers receive Divine Love simply by longing for it from the deepest and oldest part of our being, the soul. The soul is that part of us created in the image and likeness of the Source. We invite you to seek Divine Love with us to heal ourselves and the world !

LightBringers can help reverse the spiritual darkness of our times and improve our world simply by radiating this Divine Love. The Source of All has a plan to bring us into harmony with love and light, and every person on the planet may choose to play a part in this great spiritual awakening.

Maybe you feel a sense of destiny or a calling deep within yourself to find the purpose of life. If you do, know that you are not alone! In fact, you’re in the right place! The best way to become clear about one’s purpose and calling is to ask for Divine Love. We invite you to ask for Divine Love with us, and we will celebrate our spiritual growth and development together!

Know that you are loved completely and unconditionally. You will come to know and feel this as an unshakable fact when you choose to seek Divine Love from the depths of your soul.

Would you like to hear about our experiences ? Here are some videos that tell our story Videos

Our Vision

Humanity knows the way to soul-transformation through Divine Love, now and always.

Our Mission

Showing the way to receive Divine Love which transforms individual lives and the world.
Our focus: Receiving Divine Love, becoming changed by It and expressing It in our daily lives.